- 1934: M.N.Roy, idea of the Constituent Assembly
- 1935: INC officially demanded a CA to frame the Constitution of India.
- 1938: Jawaharlal Nehru on behalf of INC declared, “the Constitution of free India must be framed without outside interference, by a Constituent Assembly elected on the basis of adult franchise”
- 1940: Demand Accepted in “August Offer”
- 1942: Sir Stafford Cripps, a member of British Cabinet came to India with a draft proposal to frame an Independent Constitution of India after the World War II. Muslim League rejected with a demand of separate Constituent Assembly.
- 1946, November: The CA was constituted under the scheme of the Cabinet Mission Plan.
- 1946, December: 1st meeting of CA, Muslim league boycotted on demand of separate CA.
- 1946, December 13: Nehru’s Objective Resolution.
- 1947, January 22: The Objective Resolution was adopted.
- 1947: Indian Independence Act made 3 changes to CA.
- 1948, November 4: Final draft of Constitution Introduced by Dr BR Ambedkar
- 1949, November 26: The Constitution was adopted with a Preamble, 395 Articles, 8 schedules
- 1949, May: India’s Membership to Commonwealth Nations
- 1947, July 22: National Flag Adopted.
- 1950, january 24:
- National Anthem adopted,
- National Song adopted,
- Elected Dr Rajendra Prasad as the 1st President of India.
- CA had its final session
- 1950, January 26: Date of Commencement of the Constitution/ Republic Day.
- Elephant was the symbol of CA
- Seats allocated to each British Provinces divided among three principal communities: Muslims, Sikhs, General (all accept Muslims & Sikhs)
- Total strength of the Constituent assembly: 389 (296 seats to British India(292 sears from 11 govornor’s provinces, 4 from chief commissioners) + 93 seats to Princely States)
- July-August, 1946: INC won 208 seats, Muslim League: 73 Seats
- Meetings of Constituent Assemblies
- 1st Meeting: 1946, December 9
- Muslim League Boycotted with a demand for a new CA for pakistan
- The meeting was attended by 211 members
- Oldest member Dr Sachchidananda Sinha became temporary president of CA.
- Later Dr Rajendra Prasad was elected as the President of CA
- H.C Mukherjee & V.T Krishnamachari were the Vice-Presidents
- Objective Resolution: 1946, December 13:
- Sovereign, Republic,
- Union of territory
- 1st Meeting: 1946, December 9
- Indian Independence Act 1947 made 3 changes to CA:
- Major CA Committees:
- Drafting Committee:
- Readings of the Constitution:
- Contributors:
- B.N Rao: Constitutional Advisor/Legal Advisor of CA
- H.V.R Iyengar: Secretary to the CA
- S.N Mukherjee: Chief draftsman of the constitution in CA
- Prem Behari Narain Raizada: Calligrapher of Constitution, handwritten by him in Italic style.
- Nandalal Bose & Beohar Rammanohar Sinha: Decorators
- Vasant Krishna Vaidya: Hindi calligraphy
- Criticism of Constitution
- CA had 11 sessions over: 11 months and 8 days
- Hindi Text of the Constitution