- Lengthiest Written Constitution
- In 1949, originally contained a preamble, 395 Articles, 22 parts, 8 schedules
- In 2022,
- 4 factors for the huge size:
- Geographical factors
- Historical factors: GOI Act of 1935
- Single Constitution for both state & centre.
- Dominance of legal luminaries in CA.
- Drawn from different sources:
GOI Act 1935 | |
- Blend of Rigidity & Flexibility
- Article 368 provides for two types of Amendments:
- Some provisions can be amended by a special majority in Parliament: 2/3 majority of each house present and voting, and a majority of the total number of the house.
- Some provisions can be amended by a special majority of the Parliament and with ratification with the half of the total seats.
- Some provisions can be amended with simple majority of the Parliament.
- Article 368 provides for two types of Amendments:
- Federal System with Unitary Bias
- Parliamentary form of Government
- Integrated & Independent Judiciary
- Fundamental Rights
- Fundamental Duties
- A Secular State
- Universal Adult Franchise
- Single Citizenship
- Three-tire Government
- Co-operative Societies
- Criticisms
- A Borrowed Constitution
- A Carbon Copy of the GOI Act 1935
- Un-Indian/Anti-Indian
- Un-Gandhian Constitution
- Bulky Size
- Paradise of Lawyers