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Features of the Constitution of India

  1. Lengthiest Written Constitution
    1. In 1949, originally contained a preamble, 395 Articles, 22 parts, 8 schedules
    2. In 2022,
    3. 4 factors for the huge size:
      1. Geographical factors
      2. Historical factors: GOI Act of 1935
      3. Single Constitution for both state & centre.
      4. Dominance of legal luminaries in CA.
  2. Drawn from different sources:
GOI Act 1935
  1. Blend of Rigidity & Flexibility
    1. Article 368 provides for two types of Amendments:
      1. Some provisions can be amended by a special majority in Parliament: 2/3 majority of each house present and voting, and a majority of the total number of the house.
      2. Some provisions can be amended by a special majority of the Parliament and with ratification with the half of the total seats.
    2. Some provisions can be amended with simple  majority of the Parliament.
  2. Federal System with Unitary Bias
  3. Parliamentary form of Government
  4. Integrated & Independent Judiciary
  5. Fundamental Rights
  6. DPSP
  7. Fundamental Duties
  8. A Secular State
  9. Universal Adult Franchise
  10. Single Citizenship
  11. Three-tire Government
  12. Co-operative Societies
  13. Criticisms
    1. A Borrowed Constitution
    2. A Carbon Copy of the GOI Act 1935
    3. Un-Indian/Anti-Indian
    4. Un-Gandhian Constitution
    5. Bulky Size
    6. Paradise of Lawyers
Posted in Banking Exams, Competitive Exaams, Indian Polity, UPSC / State PSCs

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