Thomas Delorey (1543-1600)
John Lyly (1554-1606)
Thomas Lodge
Thomas Nashe (1567-1601)
Sir Philip Sidney (1554-86)
Robert Greene (1560-92)
Prose Writers
Roger Ascham 1515-68
Sir Thomas Overbury 1581-1613
Sermon Writers
James Ussher 1581-1656
Joseph Hall 1574-1656
Virgil was translated by Phaer 1558 and Stanyhurst 1562
Plutarch’s Lives by North 1579
Ovid by Golding 1565 and 1567, Tuberville 1567, Chapman 1595
Homer by Chapman 1598
Plutarch’s morals by HollandAriosto’s Orlando Furioso by Harrington 1591
Thomash Nash
Robert Green
Thomas Lodge
Francis Bacon
Born in London, 22 January, 1561
Father, Sir Nicholas bacon was the Lord Keeper of the Great seal under Queen Elizabeth I, she called his father “Little Lord Keeper”
Bacon’s political career flourished during the reign of King James I
He was sent to Cambridge in 1573 but he left it in 1575 saying that all education based on Aristotle was erong.
In 1574 he went to France with English ambassador where he studied statistics and diplomacy.
In 1576 his father died and now he had to depend upon his uncle.
He studied law and was called to the bar in 1582.
Knighted in 1603, then became Solicitor General, then Lord Chancellor, then lord keeper of Great seal. Also became a member of the Privy Council and received two titles: Baron Verulam and Viscount St Albans.
Political career ended in 1621, when he was impeached for taking bribe. 4 year Prison
English lawyer, statesman, essayist, historian, intellectual reformer, philosopher, and pioneer of modern science.
Bacon is known as the father of empiricism
A Letter of Advice to Queen Elizabeth: his first political memorandum, which earned him instant attention
Essays: Religious Meditations 1597
The Elements of the Common Law of England 1597
A Declaration of the Practises and Treasons attempted and committed by Robert, late Earl of Essex and his complies 1601
Sir Francis Bacon his Apology, in Certain Imputations Concerning the Late Earl of Essex 1604
The Proficient and Advencement of Learning 1605
De Sapientia Veterum Liber 1609
The Charge of Sir Francis Bacon, Knight, the King’s Attorney-General, Touching Duels 1614
The Wisdom of the Ancients 1619
Novum Organum 1620
The History of the Reign of King Henry VII 1622
The History of Winds 1622
De Augmentis Scientiarum 1623
Apoph Thegms, New and Old 1625
Science Fiction:
The New Atlantis 1626
Richard Hooker 1554-1600
Laws of Ecclesiastical Policy
Walter Raleigh
Samuel Purchas
John Foxe
William Camden
John Knox
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