Heading: The Duchess of Malfi
A novella by Frenz Kafka; published in 1915. Characters Gragor Samsa The name “Gregor Samsa” appears to derive partly from literary works Kafka had read.…
Reginald Peacock 1390-1460 Called the only great English theologian of the 15th century Educated in Oxford. Received his bishopric of St. Asaph in 1444, forced…
Sir John Mandeville (1300 – 1371) Composed a French book (compilation) on travel between 1357-1371: The Travels of Sir John Mandeville The earliest surviving text…
Chronicles (Verse) Lazanon’s Brut written about 1205 by Lazamon, a monk pf Arley Kings. Alliterative verse with more than 30000 lines. tells the history of…
Old English Prose Most of the Old English prose is the translation from Latin. Historical writings: Anglo-saxon chronicles. Alfred Wessex King, he defeated the Danes and started…
Thomas Delorey (1543-1600) John Lyly (1554-1606) Thomas Lodge Thomas Nashe (1567-1601) Sir Philip Sidney (1554-86) Robert Greene (1560-92) Prose Writers Roger Ascham 1515-68 Sir Thomas…
Non-Fiction Works (British Literature) Francis Bacon- New Atlantis & Great Instauration Robert Burton- Anatomy of Melancholy Samuel Pepys- Diary of Samuel Pepys John Locke- An…
Nelson Algren (1909-81) American Novelist Known for his work: The Man with the Golden Arm, written in 1949 Walk on the Wild Side written in 1956.…
Forms of Fiction: The Romances of Lyly, Greene and Lodge. The Pastoral Romances of Sir Philip Sidney. The Picaresque Novel by Nashe the Realistic Novel…