Chronicles (Verse)
Lazanon’s Brut
written about 1205 by Lazamon, a monk pf Arley Kings.
Alliterative verse with more than 30000 lines.
tells the history of Britain from the landing of Brutus to death of Cadwallader.
It is a treasure house of legends of King Arthur. Source: Roman de Brut of Wace (a translation into Norman of the Histopia Regum Britanniae of Geoffreyof Monmouth).
It talks about descendants of Aeneas, Brutus, founder of Britain and Arthur and many other mythical princes as King Lear.
Robert of Gloucester: More than one possible author. But one was Robert, a monk of Gloucester who wrote it in 13th C.
Robert Manning of Brunne:
Written by Robert.
His two other works: Handlying Synne and Mannyng’s Chronicle.
It begins with Noah and the Deluge and ends with the death of Edward I.
Robert translated Wace’s Roman de Brut for British history from the Anglo-Norman.
Katherine Group
Ancrene Riwle
The Ancrene Riwle – 12th C
The Azenbite of Inwyt – 1340 ( written by Dan Michel of North-gate and comes from Canterbury. Translation of French Work. Most important text in South-eastern and Kentish dialect)
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