Previous Years NET Questions from Teaching Aptitude
January 2017
Acceptable propositions in respect of teaching -learning relationship: 1. When students fail in a test it is the teacher who fails. 2. Every teacher must aim at ensuring learning. 3. There can be teaching without learning taking place. 4. A teacher teaches but learns also.
Learning is a lifelong process. Learning to be useful, must be linked with life.
Effectiveness of teaching has to be judged in terms of learning outcomes of students.
In Discussion Method, learners participation made optimal and proactive.
One of the most powerful factors affecting teaching effectiveness is related to the education system.
Formative evaluation tends to accelerate the pace of learning.
August 2016
Characteristics of teaching: 1. Teaching is related to learning. 2. Teaching is a ‘task’ word while learning is an ‘achievement’ word. One may teach without learning taking place.
Factors affecting teaching: 1. Teacher’s internal locus of control 2. Motivating the learner 3. Teacher’s self efficacy 4. Teacher’s skill in managing and monitoring 5. Teacher’s knowledge
Methods of teaching optimizing learning: Interactive lecture session followed by buzz session, brainstorming, and project
Teaching aids have to be considered as effective supplements to instruction. They keep the students in good humour.
The purpose of effective evaluation is to accelerate student’s learning performance.
learner’s maturity level, academic performance level, and motivational dispositions are likely to influence the effectiveness of teaching aids and evaluation systems to ensure positive results.
Internal and external factors that affect message reception by the students in the classroom are referred to as: noise.
A teacher in a classroom has immediate control over: the self, the selected methods of communication, the message.
As a good classroom communicator, you are supposed to know your: artful pauses.
July 2016
The best way for providing value education is through: lecture/discourses on value.
Prior experience, ability, language background, motivation are helpful in designing effective teaching learning system.
Memory level: recording important points made during the presentation. Understanding level: Giving opportunity for discriminating examples and non-examples of a point. Reflective level: critically analysing the points to be made and discussed.
Formative evaluation: Quizzes and discussions test. Summative evaluation: grading the final learning outcome. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation: Evaluating cognitive and cocognitive aspects with regularity. Norm and criterion referenced evaluation: tests and their interpretations based on a group and certain yardsticks.
The use of teaching aids is justified on the grounds of effective engagement of students in learning tasks.
The purpose of higher education is to promote critical and creative thinking abilities among students.
Adoption of well established posture can ensure your effective presence in the classroom.
Voice modulation is an important element that a teacher has to take cognizance of while addressing students in a classroom.
Effectiveness of teaching: teacher’s knowledge of subject, communication skills, competence in managing and monitoring the classroom transaction.
December 2015
Greater the handicap of the students coming to the Classroom, Greater the demand on the: Teacher.
What are the characteristics of continuous and comprehensive evaluation? It replaces marks with grades. It evaluate every aspects of the students. It helps reducing exam phobia.
Great strength of a teacher: Setting examples. Willingness to put assumptions to the test. Acknowledging the mistakes.
MCQ questions: They are more objective than True False type questions.
As the chairman of an independent commission on Education, Jacques Delors reort to UNESCO was titled: Learning, The treasure Within **
What are required for good teaching: Diagnosis, Remady, Direction, Feedback.
The main objectives of student evaluation of teachers are: To make teachers take teaching seriously. To help teachers adopt innovating methods of teaching. To identify the area of further improvement in teaching traits.
Using the central point of classroom communication as the beginning of a dynamic pattern of ideas is referred to as: Mind maping.
Most often the teacher- student communication is: Utilitarian
In a classroom, a communicator’s trust level is determined by: Eye Contact.
June 2015
Highest level of cognitive ability: Evaluating.
Factors impact teaching: Classrom activities that encourage learning. Learning through experience. Teacher’s knowledge.
Teaching aids: Help in retaining concepts for the longest hours. Make teaching -learning process interesting.
Techniques used by a teacher to teach include: Lecture, Interactive lecture, group work. Self study.
Achievement tests are commonly used for the purpose of: Inspiring students to learn.
December 2014
Maximum participation of the students during teaching is possible through: Inductive method.
Diagnostic evaluation ascertains: causes and remedies of persistent learning problems during instructions.
Instructional aids are used by the teacher to: clarify the concepts.
Attitude of the teacher that affects teaching pertains to: Affective domain
Education is the manifestation of perfectiion already in man – said by Swami Vivekananda.
Prescribed level of teaching: Memory – understanding- Reflective.
In the classroom, the teacher sends the message either as words or images. The students are really: Decoders
A smart classroom is a teaching space whih has: Smart portion with touch panel control system, PC/Laptop connection and DVD/VCR player, document camera and specialised softwere. Projector and screen.
June 2014
Sign of Motivated teaching: Students asking questions.
Best method of teaching: Discussion
Dyslexia is associated with: Reading disorder.
The e-content generation for undergraduate courses has been assigned by the MHRD to Consortium for Educational Communication.
Classroom communication is normally considered as Affective
Who propounded the concept of Paradigm: Thomas Kuhn
December 2013
September 2013
June 2013
December 2012
June 2012
December 2011
June 2011
December 2010
June 2010
December 2009
June 2009
December 2008
June 2008
December 2007
June 2007
December 2006
June 2006
December 2005
December 2004
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