Civil and Political Rights
- Right to life
- Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
- Freedom from slavery, servitude and forced labour
- Right to liberty and security of person
- Right of detained persons to be treated with humanity
- Freedom of movement
- Right to a fair trial
- Prohibition of retroactive criminal laws
- Right to recognition as a person before the law
- Right to privacy
- Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
- Freedom of opinion and expression
- Prohibition of propaganda for war and of incitement to national, racial or religious hatred
- Freedom of assembly
- Freedom of association
- Right to marry and found a family
- Right to take part in the conduct of public affairs, vote, be elected and have access to public office
Economic and social and cultural rights
- Right to work
- Right to just and favourable conditions of work
- Right to form and join trade unions
- Right to social security
- Protection of the family
- Right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate food, clothing
- and housing
- Right to health
- Right to education
Collective Rights
Right of peoples to:
- Self-determination
- Development
- Free use of their wealth and natural resources
- Peace
- A healthy environment
- Rights of national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities
- Rights of indigenous peoples