James Thomson (1700-1748)
Scottish Poet, Ednam, Roxburgh, Scotland
Went to London in 1725 and started his career as a tutor.
Talbot was his patron who died in 1738.
George Lyttleton , the commissioner of the Treasury, became his new patron.
The Season
Published in 4 parts:
Winter 1726
Dedication produced only 20 guineas not a patron
The Summer 1727
Spring 1728
The whole poem including Autumn was published in 1730
First sustained nature poem in English and concludes with a Hymn of Nature.
To the Memory of Sir Isaac Newton 1727
A tragedy produced at Drury Lane Theatre in 1730 with Moderate Success.
Libarty (1734-1736)
A long poem on travel, published in 5 parts was a failure.
Agamemnon 1738
A tragedy
Edward and Eleanora 1739
Was banned for political reasons.
With his friend David Mallet, Thomson wrote this Masque.
With music by Thomas Arne who created the song: Rule, Britanica
Tancred and Sigismunda 1745
Thomson’s most successful play
The Castle of Indolence 1748
A poem written in imitation of Edmund Spenser and reflected Thomson’s love of idleness