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Indian Logic – Logical Reasoning

One Liners:

  1. Anumana has been accepted as an independent source of vaild knowledge by: Buddhist, Naiyayikas, Mimamsakas, Avaitins
  2. Knowledge is the revelation of the objective world to a subject. Knowledge may be true or valid and false or invalid.
  3. The Indian philosophy proposes various methods to veryfy the validity which may be termed as Pramana.
  4. There are various sources of means of valid knowledge which include: perception, inference, comparison, verbal testimony, etc.
  5. A comprehensive analysis of Anumana as a source of Valid Knowledge particularly that propounded by the Nyaya school.
  6. The Carvakas accepted perception as the only means of valid knowledge.
  7. Buddhist and Vaisheshikas considered perception and inference as Pramanas.
  8. The Sankhya-Yoga philosophers recognized perception, inference, and verbal testimony as pramanas.
  9. The Nyaya School of philosophy recognizes four Pramanas: Perception, Inference, Comparison, and Verbal testimony.
  10. Prabhakara from the Mimamsa School of philosophy acknowledges perception, interference, comparison, verbal testimony, and presumption as Pramanas.
  11. Kumarila and Advaitic Vedantins identify perception, inference, comparison, verbal testimony, presumption, and nonapprehension as valid source of knowledge.
  12. Perception (pratyaksha) or direct knowledge and mediate (paroksha) or indirect knowledge are Pramanas admitted by Jainism. They discuss the nature of objects, conditions, and grounds of valid knowledge in detail. The inference is the chief means of knowledge to them.
  13. Purva Mimansa regards the Veda as eternal and authorless and infalible authority.
  14. Purva Mimansa was the first major orthodox philosophical system to emerge.
  15. The Mimansa system is credited to Jaimini as its main proponent.
  16. According to Jaimini, the ‘word’ or ‘shabda’ is always the Vedic word and only source of knowledge
  17. Two meanings of the word Mimansa are probing and acquiring knowlwdge or critivcal analysis and investigation of the Vedas.
  18. The Mimansa system is the most comprehensive of all philosophical sutras. This philosophy covers the Nyaya-vaisheshika school and places a strong focus on the concept of legitimate knowledge.
  19. Purva-mimansa is often regarded as Karma Mimansa since it deals with the karmic consequences of rites and sacrifices.
  20. Purva Mimansa emphasizes the yagya’s performance for a variety of spiritual and worldly advantages.
  21. According to Mimansa philosophy, Vedas are eternal and contain all knowledge and religion is the fulfillment of obligations set by the Vedas.
  22. Which pramana is most important according to Mimansa? Sabda
  23. The Mimansa Sutra is the most comprehensive of all philosophical sutras.
  24. The commentaries on Sabara-bhasya were written independently by renowned scholars Kumarila Bhatta and Prabhakara.
  25. Sabarasvamini’s Sabara-bhasya is the earliest available commentary.
  26. The Mimansa method places a premium on verbal testimony which is essentially Vedic witness.
Posted in Banking Exams, Competitive Exaams, NTA UGC NET Paper One, Reasoning, UPSC / State PSCs

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