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Types of Evaluation

Types of Evaluation:

Placement evaluation / Pre evaluation / Initial Evaluation: **

  1. At the beginning of the course
  2. To entry level eligibility
  3. Cognitive, psychomotor or affective domain 
  4. Quantitative and qualitative techniques
  5. Report type: Selection/Rejection
  6. Norm or criterion referenced standards

Formative evaluation

  1. Paul Black is the proponent***. 
  2. Evolution during the course learning process.
  3. Cognitive or psychomotor domain
  4. Quantitative techniques
  5. Report type: not graded.

Diagnostic evaluation: ***

  1. Formative evaluation identifies the problem, whereas diagnostic evaluation diagnoses the causes of such problems. 
  2. It is more comprehensive. 
  3. It is based on evaluation of affective domain with the use of qualitative techniques.
  4. During course terms
  5. Affective domain
  6. Qualitative technique
  7. Anecdotal report*** ((of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.)
  8. Comparison of actual and expected behaviour.

Summative evaluation / External evaluation: ***

  1. Paul Black is the proponent***. 
  2. Carried out at the end of the course.
  3. Cognitive, psychomotor or psychological
  4. Report type: graded
  5. Norm referenced standard

Norm referenced evaluation and criterion referenced evaluation: In norm referenced evaluation the performance of one student is compared to another. When in criterion referenced evaluation we do not compare the performance of students.

ICT Based Assessment

Posted in NTA UGC NET Paper One

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