Cynewulf (8th – 9th Century)
Probably Northumbrian
One of 12 O.E poets known by name from Anglo-Saxon period.
His poems are religious in theme.
3 of the poems are martyrolical (the branch of history that deals with the lives of martyrs) in which protagonists suffer for their religious values. The Fates of the Apostles, Juliana, Elene.
His 4 poems with runic signature:
The Fates of the Apostles – 122 lines. The speaker creates a song that meditates on the death of the apostles which they joyously faced.
Juliana – 731 lines. The titular character dies after she refuses to marry a pagan man, thus retaining her christian integrity.
Elene – 1,321 lines (longest). In Elena, Saint Helena endures her quest to find the Holy cross and spread Christianity.
Christ II (The Ascensions)– 427 lines (also known as The Christ’s Ascension)
Dialect: Cynewulf wrote in the Anglican dialect.
The Exeter Book holds his Juliana and Christ II (The Christ’s Ascension) and the Vercelli Book his Elene and Fates of Apostles.
Lives of saints: 1. Fates of The Apostles 2. Christ’s Ascension
**The Dream of The Rood: finest of all O.E religious poem, controversy over authorship. Rood = Cross. It gives us the image of Suffering and redemption.
Who is “the young hero” of the poem “The Dream of the Rood”? Jesus Christ
Rood = Cross
Which of the following is an example of a kenning? Triumph-tree
In “The Dream of the Rood,” the word “triumph-tree” is used to refer to Christ’s cross. A kenning replaces a single word with a compound word, often linked by a hyphen. A kenning used for God’s thoughts in “Caedmon’s Hymn” is “mind-plans,” and a kenning used for the sea in “Beowulf” is “whale-road.”
From what work does this quote come? “Wonderful was the triumph-tree, and I stained with sins, wounded with wrongdoings.” The Dream of the Rood
What work contains the characters Birhtnoth and Ethelred? The dream of the rood