Marlowe’s works: Tambarlaine, The Jew of Malta, Dr. Faustus. Name the writer of the poem: The Weary Blues” Langston Hughes. Poem written by Robert Lowell:…
Mayakovsky was the famous poet of: Russia Marquese originally wrote his “One Hundred Years of Solitude” in: Spanish. The word ‘Dialogue’ is derived from “dialogos”…
D.g. Rossetti was the son of an Italian painter. The translation of Goethe’s “Wilhelm Meister” appeared in 1824. In The Doctor’s Dilemma Shaw makes fun…
Seasons and The Castle of Indolence are written by: James Thomson. The Elegy in a Country Churchyard appeared in: 1751. Who composed The Task and…
Good research focuses on: Formulating, generalizations, theories, principals, and innovations. Good research is: Systematic, logical, controlled. Characteristics of good research: Validity, replicability, rigorous, logical The…
Who said, “As regards Restoration Tragedy the Classical formal elements were already there with Ben Johnson, the heroic aspects were adumbrated often in Fletcher and…
John Gower wrote his first poem Speculum Meditantis in: French John Gower wrote his second poem Vox Clamantis in: Latin John Gower wrote his third…
jkjk: 700 CE The first Roman Emperor who sent the forces to colonize the British isle, was Julius Caesar According to Bede, Hengest and Horsa…
Shaw was primarily a: dramatist. At least in one respect Shaw was a greater dramatist than Shakespeare. In what respect? Shaw was a greater social…
Hardy is called the novelist of: The Wessex Region Hardy was honored with: Order of Merit. What is meant by Wessex? The region in which…